Meeting for Worship - Sunday 11:00am to 12:00pm
Seekers - 9:45am to 10:45am
First Day School - 11:00am to 12:00pm
1920 Zehndner Avenue
Post Office Box 4786
Arcata, California, 95521
Humboldt Friends Meeting
Next Meeting
February 16, 2025
9:45am to 10:45am - Book Group: The Gospel of Mary.
Dialogues of Mary Magdalene, pages 65 to 67 and End Notes page 70.
Facilitated by Margaret.
11:00am to 12:00pm - Meeting for Worship.​
1:00pm to 2:00pm - Outdoor Meeting for Worship at Potawat Village.
Seekers and Meeting for Worship gather in person and via Zoom.
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Who We Are
We as Quakers share a deeply held belief that the Divine can be experienced directly in our lives. We come together as a community in worship to experience God's presence and guidance.
We are called Quakers or Friends. Early in our history we called ourselves "Friends of Truth." The name Quaker was later given to us because some early Friends "trembled and quaked" with religious zeal. Regardless of the name we now use, we believe that true faith springs from the direct experience of Spirit which is available to all.
Our meeting is an unprogrammed Friends meeting. We have no paid minister, for all present have both the opportunity and responsibility to open themselves directly to the Divine. In our meeting for worship, we sit together in expectant silence. If one is blessed with a deep and heartfelt message, he or she will rise and share it briefly. By delivering a message under the guidance of Spirit, it is hoped that it will speak to the condition of others present and will act as a seed for their worship.
Friends believe our lives should testify to our faith. Our faith is real only if it is apparent in how we live our lives. Some common Quaker "testimonies" include Peace, Simplicity, Equality, Integrity, and Community.
We invite you to learn more about us by joining us at our weekly Meeting for Worship. Any of our members will be happy to talk with you and answer questions.