Meeting for Worship - Sunday 11:00am to 12:00pm
Seekers - 9:45am to 10:45am
First Day School - 11:00am to 12:00pm
1920 Zehndner Avenue
Post Office Box 4786
Arcata, California, 95521
Humboldt Friends Meeting
Annotated Bibliography
for Inspirations for Deeper Spirituality
The books on this very partial list of publications are referenced in the "Inspirations for Deeper Spirituality" articles. Abbreviations after the listings refer to abbreviations used in the articles, for ease of use.
J. Brent Bill, 2006. Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. pp. 143. A very (F)friendly almost chatty book, J Brent Bill offers a thorough exploration of sacred silence, both private and corporate with practical steps of how to find it. Throughout he has included "Quietude Queries" to help readers more deeply connect with their divine selves. (HS)
Robert Barclay, 1678. "Barclay on Worship" Victor Thurony. file:///Users/margaretkelso/Downloads/Barclay%20On%20Worship%20(annotated%20by%20Victor%20Thuronyi)%20(1).pdfA condensed but not edited chapter of Robert Barclay's An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, 1678 that attempts to make Barclay's writing more readable. (ATCD)
Howard H. Brinton, 1964. Friends for 300 Years. Lebanon, PA: Sowers Printing Company. 239 pp The subtitle describes much of the book "The history and beliefs of the Society of Friends since George Fox started the Quaker movement." But also included are apt quotations from Friends throughout the ages. Very readable. (An updated version, Friends for 350 Years is also available.) (F300Y)
Brian Drayton, 1820. "Inner Peace and the Right Use of Media: Reflections on Thomas Shillitoe's Advice; from an Epistle to Friends in Great Britain and Ireland. (IPRUM)
Geoffrey Durham, 2010. The Spirit of the Quakers. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 244 pp. Here's a volume that every Friend might enjoy having at their bedside. It includes quotations by Friends from the earliest to contemporary times plus Durham's commentaries. In addition, he includes excerpts from four journals of notable Friends. (SQ)
George H Gorman, 1979. The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship. London, GB: Quaker Home Service. 158 pp. Gorman's book is devoted to all aspects of Quaker Worship from its history to its role the Society of Friends. (AFQW)
David Johnson, 2013. A Quaker Prayer Life. San Francisco, CA: Inner Light Books . 80 pp. Liberally seeded with quotations from earlier Friends, this book not only is an historical account of Quaker Prayer but also a guide to it. (QPL)
David Johnson, 2020. Surrendering Into Silence: Quaker Prayer Cycles. San Francisco, CA: Inner Light Books. 62 pp. Drawing from ancient contemplative prayer, early Christian practices and the writings of the first Quakers, Johnson adapts the teachings of Thomas Keating to Quaker experience. He uses graphs to illustrate the evolution of the conscious, the unconscious and the presence of Light in what he identifies as Prayer Cycles of the spiritual seeker. (SIS)
Thomas R. Kelly, The Gathered Meeting. Philadelphia, PA: The Tract Association of Friends. The Quaker mystic, Thomas Kelly, wrote this classic on the gathered or covered Quaker Meeting. FREE online:
Patricia Loring, 2009. Listening Spirituality Volume II: Corporate Spiritual Practices Among Friends. Bethesda Friends Meeting. pp299. The second volume of Patricia's Loring's maassive research, here she focuses not only on the process of corporate worship, but also the essential role of the community in spiritual live. (LSII)
Lloyd Lee Wilson, 2001. Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order. Philadelphia, PA: Quaker Press of Friends General Conference. 200 pp Wilson identifies as a conservative friend and writes on topics of interest to all !Quakers ranging from "Reading the Scriptures" to "Becoming Contemporary Prophets." (QVGO)
Books on Faith and Practice: Most yearly meetings publish a book of that describe the practices of their like-minded group. They are also a rich source of excerpts and quotations from Quaker literature.
London Yearly Meeting, 1973. Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends . Richmond, IN: Friends United Press. (CF&P Lon 1973)
Pacific Yearly Meeting, 2001. Faith and Practice. 270 pp. Available for free: (F&P PacYM)